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Welcome Back!

“Our job as parents is to give our kids roots to grow and wings to fly.”


Dear Enders Families,

I hope this note finds you enjoying your summer and relishing the last few days of vacation. The teachers, staff, and I are eagerly preparing for the arrival of the students and the start of school on August 12 at 8:35 a.m.


I am thrilled to report that Enders once again showed significant growth in third-sixth grade students meeting standards on the end of the school year SBAC assessment. In English Language Arts (ELA), there was an increase of 4% and in math an increase of 5%. Overall, 80% of students scored Proficient or Advanced in ELA and 71% in math.


Last school year, Enders teachers participated in Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) training. PBIS is a research-based program that has been implemented in schools across the nation for over fifty years. The philosophy of the program is to teach and reteach students appropriate school behavior and to encourage a community that fosters positive interactions between students and adults. Throughout this school year, the teachers and I hope to share more of the PBIS components with the school community. 


Garden Grove students will continue to receive no cost school lunches. Children wishing to bring a lunch from home may do so. We ask that lunches from fast-food restaurants NOT be sent with students to school. Enders Elementary also serves no cost school breakfast from 8:00-8:25.


Parking will be very challenging the first two days of school. We will open the upper grade grass area before and after school for the first two days of school. Parents are allowed to walk their children to class on the first two days of school. Please do not enter the campus prior to 8:25 a.m.


School Hours for TK-Sixth Grade Students

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (8:35-2:55)
  • Wednesday (8:35-2:05)


Most Sincerely,


Michelle Rushall

Enders Principal