
Birthday Shout-Outs! - article thumnail image

Birthday Shout-Outs!!

Celebrate your student's birthday on our school Marquee!
Welcome Back! - article thumnail image

Welcome Back!

Enders Mustangs
BMX Assembly - article thumnail image

BMX Assembly

BMX Assembly thrills students and teachers alike!

TK/K Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year

TK/Kindergarten Online Enrollment Begins February 8th To Pre-Enroll for the 2023-2024 school year, please visit the district website home page HERE  After pre-enrolling online, bring the following documents to the Enders office. Please call 714.663…
Read Across America Day - article thumnail image

Read Across America Day

Enders enjoyed celebrating Read Across America Day on Thursday, March 2nd by wearing pajamas. There were special guests across the campus reading to students in their classrooms. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to read!

A Few Words From the Office

It is our goal at Enders to foster an environment where our students develop both academic and personal skills to ensure life-long success.
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